How to ask for the job title you deserve

How to ask for the job title you deserve When accepting a new position or angling for a promotion, most people tend to focus on salary negotiation. But your job title should also be part of the equation. It’s ‘a signal both to the outside world and to your colleagues...

How to unlock people’s potential at work

How to unlock people’s potential at work Wondering how to get the most out of people? You are not alone. According to the pollsters at Gallup, more than 70% of American workers are not engaged at work. Worldwide, the number of disengaged workers balloons to 85%. Lack...

Just be yourself?

Just be yourself? At the beginning of the movie The Devil Wears Prada, a character named Andy Sachs has survived all the pre-screenings for an assistant position at an elite fashion magazine. She enters the office of the editor-in-chief, the person ultimately deciding...

The dark side of transparency

The dark side of transparency Leaders need to get smarter about when to open up and when to withhold information so they can enjoy the benefits of organizational transparency while mitigating its unintended consequences. Check out The dark side of transparency. ©2024...