Becoming your own version of exceptional: the mindset model Would you like to get better at something? How can we make sustainable changes to our selves and our organizations? My new book, Exceptional, comes out September 22. It shows you how to build your own...
Will AI spare leadership? First, the good news: your new CEO is selfless and honest, has not gone power-crazy, and is not surrounded by political sycophants. Your new CEO is data hungry, reads and responds to every email within the hour, and always asks for input from...
Breathe excitement into mind-numbing work Many organizations have it all wrong. They don’t just need to motivate their people. They need to stop demotivating them. If you’ve seen the results of recent research you know the typical workplace needs a major overhaul. In...
Purpose at work The why of our behaviours is a more powerful story that the how. Both philosophy and empirical research suggest that the higher our level of interpretation or construal, the more we will stick with it when the going gets hard. Think about this in the...
Make work engaging again Last week, I talked about this topic with Sarah Green Carmichael for HBR’s IdeaCast. SGC: So, no one sets out to be the kind of manager who is – whose employees do not feel alive at work. No one sets out to be a soul-sucking manager. So, how...
Disengagement at work isn’t a motivational problem, it’s a biological one Ever hear someone say: “Sure, work sucks…that’s why they call it work.” At one point or another, we’ve all felt dulled by what we do at work – bored and creatively bankrupt. It’s not like...