Breathe excitement into mind-numbing work

11 Apr 2018 | LinkedIn article

Many organizations have it all wrong. They don’t just need to motivate their people. They need to stop demotivating them.

If you’ve seen the results of recent research you know the typical workplace needs a major overhaul. In fact, multiple studies show that the modern workplace is plagued with chronically low levels of employee engagement. The Gallup organization estimates that disengagement is costing American companies $450 billion to $550 billion per year.

You might think such findings – which have remained painfully steady for many years – would result in changes. Yet many work environments still leave employees feeling stifled, unappreciated and eager to update their LinkedIn profiles to search for the next job.

Forbes contributor Rodger Dean Duncan (@DoctorDuncan) interviewed me about boredom, excitement and other things.

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